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更新时间:2024-09-24 10:45:26点击次数:

王学丽, Ph.D.

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香港浸会大学, 中国香港

  • 博士后 (2020 9 月至2020 3 )

  • 理学院,药物化学方向;

香港浸会大学, 中国香港

  • 博士 (2017 9 月至2020 9 )

  • 理学院,药物化学方向;

上海大学, 上海

  • 硕士 (2013 9 2016 6 )

  • 理学院, 有机化学方向

河北大学, 河北

  • 学士 (2009 9 月至 2013 6 )

  • 化学与环境科学学院, 材料化学方向


  1. 主讲课程:药物合成反应,物理化学

  2. 研究方向:近红外荧光探针应用于阿尔兹海默症的诊疗一体化及AD生物标记物的定量分析


  1. 开发用于阿尔茨海默病诊疗一体化的花菁素类探针;河北大学高层次人才科研启动项目基金,52100098141150万,2021-2023年,主持;

  2. 开发靶向p-tau近红外荧光探针的构建及其在阿尔茨海默病早期诊断中的应用研究;河北省自然科学基金青年项目,B20212010265万,2021-2023年,主持;


  1. Wang, X.; Iyaswamy, A.; Xu, D.; Krishnamoorthi, S.; Sreenivasmurthy, S. G.; Yang, Y.; Li, Y.; Chen, C.; Li, M.; Li, H. W.; Wong, M. S., Real-Time Detection and Visualization of Amyloid-beta Aggregates Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide in Cell and Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2023, 15 (1), 39-47

  2. Wang, X.; Chan, H. N.; Desbois, N.; Gros, C. P.; Bolze, F.; Li, Y.; Li, H. W.; Wong, M. S., Multimodal Theranostic Cyanine-Conjugated Gadolinium(III) Complex for In Vivo Imaging of Amyloid-beta in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2021, 13 (16),

  3. Iyaswamy, A.; Wang, X (Co-first author).; Krishnamoorthi, S.; Kaliamoorthy, V.; Sreenivasmurthy, S. G.; Kumar Durairajan, S. S.; Song, J. X.; Tong, B. C.; Zhu, Z.; Su, C. F.; Liu, J.; Cheung, K. H.; Lu, J. H.; Tan, J. Q.; Li,H. W.; Wong, M. S.; Li, M., Theranostic F-SLOH mitigates Alzheimer's disease pathology involving TFEB and ameliorates cognitive functions in Alzheimer's Disease models. Redox Biol 2022, 51, 102280.

  4. Wang, X .; Wang, C.; Chan, H.-N.; Iyaswamy, A.; Krishnamoorthi, S. K.; Li, M.; Li, H.-W.; Wong, M. S., Amyloid-β oligomer targeted theranostic probes for in vivo NIR imaging and inhibition of self-aggregation and amyloid-β induced ROS generation. Talanta 2020224, 121830.

  5. Wang, C.; Wang, X. (Co-first author).; Chan, H. N.; Liu, G.; Wang, Z.; Li, H. W.; Wong, M. S., Amyloid‐β Oligomer‐Targeted Gadolinium‐Based NIR/MR Dual‐Modal Theranostic Nanoprobe for Alzheimer's Disease. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (16).

  6. Wang, X.; Ho, S. L.; Poon, C. Y.; Yan, T.; Li, H. W.; Wong, M. S., Amyloid-beta Aggregation Inhibitory and Neuroprotective Effects of Xanthohumol and its Derivatives for Alzheimer's Diseases. Curr Alzheimer Res 2019, 16 (9),836-842.


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